Thursday 28 May 2015


The clock ticked slowly and I tried not to check it to many times. “Hurry nick!” I said in a harsh whisper, “Just change all my grades to an A and let’s get out of here.” I muttered while scanning the walls of my ex principal’s office. The hot sweat in my palms was building up and causing me to wipe my hands on my pants every second. “Jacob I’m not sure this is a good idea, maybe you should admit to your parents that you got expelled. You would get in more trouble by doing this then just telling them.” Nick stammered. No, they mustn’t find out; if they do I can’t imagine what they will do to me, I thought to myself. “Nick we can’t give up now, look how far we have already gotten.” Nick was a computer genius and could hack into anything, even the school report system, if you gave him a reasonable bribe. Which is why he now has half of my life’s worth of pocket money. Weeeeoooeeeoooeee. Nick and I met eyes instantly with frightened faces. “How did the police find us?” I hollered as I jumped out of my chair. “Sorry Jacob, you’re on your own.” As I turned to face nick with an angry glare, only his leg falling out the window could be seen. I cursed in my head. “Put your hands up!” a harsh voice exclaimed outside the door of the office. My hands raised as my head sunk to the ground in realization that I would not get away with this. Why was I so stupid? Thinking I could get away with lying to my parents that I got straight A’s, when really I had been expelled from school! I walked obediently into the police car knowing that I had done something wrong and I should take all the blame. “You do realise you now have a criminal record, even if it was just a small crime?” piped the police officer. He was short and plump, with a soft face but had a raspy harsh voice. “I understand officer.” I nodded. “Breaking into a private property is a violation of the law” He continued.
 I wiped the hot sweat from the inside of my palms onto the bars of the jail cell one last time. “Jacob McGregor, your uhh father… is here to pick you up.” The officer said with uncertainty. It had only been about three hours since I was caught, I took a deep breathe in as I revised exactly what I was going to say to my furious parents. As I laid eyes on my father, instantly I knew exactly who it was. Nick had pulled on a long trench coat, sunglasses and pretended to be my dad. I went along with the act, “Thank you officer.” I said quickly, hiding a smirk. “And sorry for the misunderstanding.” I stammered as my eyes followed my face to the floor. Nick nodded at the police man and quickly hurried me out, avoiding any speaking or close contact with anyone at the station. As we sped into nicks old chipping truck the side step on his truck slipped off and scraped on the road, I looked at him with an extremely apologetic expression. “Don’t worry, that happens all the time” he bluntly stated, not sounding surprised. “Quickly, we probably look very suspicious.” We drove out of the car park with an eerie feeling, although I knew I was safe I still could not help glancing to the rear view mirror every minute. I hadn’t realised it was so late until my eyes met the digital time on the dash board, 2:33 am, it flashed continuously until a wave of weight feel over my eyelids. My eyes hovered up and down until I fell into a deep sleep in the passenger seat of nicks car. I woke in my own bed with an envelope in casing a letter on my chest. Attached to the envelope was a sticky note from nick; I pressed send just in time ;), it read. My fake report card! I released a wave of air while my shoulders sank down, it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. Suddenly my mum walked past my door, “Morning Jacob, almost ready for school?” I glanced down at the report card and quickly ripped the sticky note from the envelope. “Uh yeah” I gulped. “Hey mum, my report card came last night” I blurted out. “Oh really, let me see” I hesitantly handed my mother the envelope. She gave me a confused look but I quickly covered it with a fake grin. As she opened the envelope her facial expressions had me on edge. Instantly she seemed confused which changed to a very surprised look, I couldn’t make out if she as happy or not. “Jacob, I can’t believe this, straight D’s?!”
By Neve Hawkins

Inspired by Awesomeness TV, Expelled. 

Friday 15 May 2015

Moving house

It was like any other day, my dad picked me up from school in our big silver mini van and when we returned home mum was making my sister and I a snack for afternoon tea. Except today Mum and Dad sat there and watched us eat, I shot Lilly a confused look as soon as they sat down, we knew something was up.
"WERE MOVING TO AUSTRALIA?!" Lilly screamed in shock. Frankly, I couldn't manage to get any words out so I stepped back and let Lilly begin the rant for me. "WE CAN'T POSSIBLY MOVE ACROSS THE WORLD! WHAT ABOUT MY FRIENDS? WHAT ABOUT SCHOOL? AND WHAT ABOUT NATIONALS!?' she said as she gestured towards me, I had just been qualified to participate in this years USA under 18's cross country nationals. I loved running, it cleared my head and made me feel amazing afterwards. But after this shock, will I still be able to compete? "unfortunately we need to be in Sydney by July and Nationals are in September, so no you can't go to nationals" my dad said calmly. My heart dropped, that race was all I lived for, every training session and every drop of sweat has all gone to waste now. everything was for nothing.

I looked out the plane window with hot tears rising in my eyes, I let them fall onto my soft cheeks as i took a heavy breathe out. I, am moving to, Australia. I, am moving to, Australia. I repeated in my head. i turned back to my sister Lilly, "c'mon it'll be fun, imagine waking up every morning and running across the street to the beach" she said positively, "then getting attacked by a shark and decaying at the bottom of the ocean with no limbs left attached apart from your head, barely hanging on" I replied with. I guess Lilly had changed her perspective on moving, after she learnt that we will live on the beach and attend an all girls school with surfing lessons and free milkshakes every Friday. It had been 2 months since I found out we were moving, and not for a second have i been excited to do so. The plane landed rough but as soon as i stepped outside i knew it would be perfect for running. the air was not as thin as Idaho and the weather was the perfect balance. No, i must get running out of my head, I must stop thinking about it.

I have to admit, our house was pretty cool. My bedroom led onto a balcony with ocean views and I had my own walk in robe. As I was carrying one of my boxes up the driveway to the house a group of runners about my age stopped and began approaching me. No I shouldn't think about it, I can't think about it. "Hi, did you just move here? " said a tall, surfer chick looking girl with her long blonde ponytail falling onto her shoulder. " um yeah," i replied shyly. " can we help you move in? you will get it done much faster" replied the girl as she shrugged to her friends. I looked over to the moving truck piling with boxes. It would be a lie not to say I needed help, "yeah actually that would be great thanks." "okay, I'm Courtney by the way. and this my running club. Do you like running?" she said as she coincidentally picked up the box filled with my running trophies and medals. "Yeah, i guess" I said as i stared intently waiting for her reaction. "whoa, is this, is this yours??" " Yep, it was kinda just a hobby back in Idaho." " this doesn't look like much of a hobby! age champion five years in a row, state champion. well if your looking for someone to run with we meet every morning at 6" she replied with everyone standing around Courtney eagerly. Should I? I can't just give it up that quickly. It won't be that hard to try, right? " Actually i would love to, i'll see you tomorrow then?" i forced myself to say.  "Sure, I can't wait to see you run" replied Courtney as the group began running back down the street. a smile stretched across my cheeks as I thought to myself that i actually might like this place.

Hope you like this one, Neve xx

Thursday 14 May 2015


It started with a knock, a soft and creepy knock on her back door. Lottie lay huddled on her cold bathroom tiles shaking at the thought of being taken. She tasted blood in her mouth, her teeth were clenched so hard she hadn't realised it was causing her to bleed. Suddenly, another knock, but this time it was followed by a soft and creepy "let me in". They knew she was there, she couldn't hide forever. Lottie knew one day she would have to face them. But today is not the day she thought, like always she would manage to creep out without being seen, even if it meant them demolishing her house, her third this month. When will this ever stop? she thought to herself, but deep down she knew when. Whenever they manage to catch me. She punched a hole through her roof with what was left of the skin on her knuckles, and began to climb.
Charlotte Elizabeth Gates had been running from sly for 7 months now. It all began one evening when she triggered a hologram in her attic while she was cleaning her attic, it had everything from why your boss quit his job to how the stars formed shapes if you looked closely.It was all linked, all linked through sly, the world dominating group who were disguised as everyday people. but Charlotte knew too much, and for 7 months now they had been on a vigorous man hunt to find the girl who triggered their hologram which they had been searching for, for hundreds of years, because Charlotte knew something they didn't. Charlotte Elizabeth Gates knew how and when the world would end.
She squeezed her hip through the through edges of chipping paint and plaster. Though swelling her eyes managed to squint open through the heavy dust in her roof. It had now become so bad she was resulting to feeling the walls, there must be a vent, chimney or something she could escape from. She heard voices and knew they were inside, the way they hissed their "s's" and spoke in a higher tone while their eyes bulged larger and larger and their heads would crook to one side, Lottie knew it to well. goosebumps ran down her spine at the thought of sly. There was no way out, absolutely nothing. Maybe today is the day, she thought negatively, maybe i should let them torture me until the answer is out. No, it mustn't happen like that, and if they caught her, it would.

By Neve Hawkins